Are you excited to spend the High Holidays with Illini Hillel?! Great, because we are ready and excited to spend them with YOU!
Shana Tovah Illini!
Check out our full schedule of meals and services for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot at the University of Illinois.
Rosh Hashanah 2024 | 10/2-10/4
Wednesday, October 2
Conservative & Reform Services at 6pm
Orthodox Services at 6:15pm
Dinner at 7:30pm
Thursday, October 3
Orthodox services 9:30am-2pm
Conservative services 9:30am-1:30pm
Reform Services 10am
Lunch 1-2:30pm
Tashlich with R. Shmuel at 2:30pm
Orthodox Evening Services 6:30pm
Conservative evening services 6:40pm
Tashlich with Rabbi Heather @ 7:30pm
Dinner at JET house with R. Shmuel and Jackie at 8pm
Friday, October 4
Orthodox Services 9:30am-2pm
Conservative services 9:30am-1:30pm
Tekiah: Exploring the shofar through art, meditation, and more with R. Heather 11am
Lunch 1pm
Shabbat Services at 6pm
Shabbat Dinner at 7pm
Yom Kippur 2024 | 10/11-10/12
Friday, October 11
Pre-Fast meal 4:30-5:45pm
Kol Nidre at 6pm
Saturday, October 12
Orthodox & Conservative Services 9:30am
Reform Services 10am
Ritual for those who Cannot Fast 3pm
Orthodox Mincha and Ne'ilah at 5:15pm
Conservative Mincha/Ne'ilah at 4:45pm
Reform Ne'ilah 6:15pm
Break-the-fast meal at 7:05pm
Rosh Hashanah meals are free to our students, thanks to a generous endowment gift made by Firouz and Nasrin Gahvari in memory of their son, Hormozd. Hormozd was an active student and graduate student at Illini Hillel for many years. He passed away at a young age on the eve of Rosh Hashana in 2016, after a long battle with Ewing Sarcoma. This meaningful and unique endowment will allow us to celebrate his life today and in the future.