Hillel Play Days for kids 4-9 y/o
From 12/26 - 12/29 (registration depending) Hillel will offer childcare services for children between the ages of 4-9 at the Cohen Center. Norah and Maya (college students) will offer the children fun activities, arts and crafts, play options and more.
Hours: 10am - 3pm
Cost: $55 per child per day
Lunch will not be provided. Please bring you child with packed lunch and water bottle.
Please note - your child will be part of a group. They will need to be able to listen to the instructions of our students. Failing to listen to instructions may require early pick up.
Please Register below.
If you are looking for a great experience for your child for the following week (January 2nd - 5th) - Sinai Temple will be hosting a winter camp.